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Writer's pictureKara Leman

DSA’s New Offering: A Free Class Every Month

Drumroll, please! During the Spring semester this year, Downstage Arts is offering one free class per month in partnership with Chicago Music and Acting Academy. We believe in providing better access to the arts and are thrilled to add another offering for individuals interested in the arts. Do you know how much the average student’s family pays per year in the performing arts, in order for their child to be a competitive artist? The answer is $20,000. If that sounds as unreasonable to you as it does to us, click here to see the breakdown of that prohibitive cost. If you are a family who is able to fund your child’s passion for the arts, please consider helping fund the students DSA works to sponsor so we can all help them realize and foster their passions, as well. Click here to support DSA and read our quick breakdown of how your donation is used!

Our first class "32 Bar Extravaganza” will focus on the art of auditioning. When asking many of us at DSA, as well as actors out in the professional world, you will hear that it all starts in and returns to the audition room. Every audition and performance provides unique challenges, and each requires focus, dedication, and hard work. Follow @Downstagearts for updates and more free class announcements!

At Downstage Arts, we talk endlessly of how irreplaceable and priceless the arts are to each of us. We have answered the question: "What do the arts mean to you?" The truth is that we all have various and overlapping answers, as well as differing experiences in the arts. One of the answers that overlaps is the power of connection. Creating art is not a solo journey, even for a “one-man show”. Who will turn on the stage lights for you? Who will applaud your performance? Even our audiences are our collaborators! Our free classes will bring us together every month and provide a stronger community in the arts where we build, learn, and create powerful art collaboratively.

If you would like to join us, please do! Our (virtual) doors are open to everyone who has an interest—big or small—in the performing arts.

The date: Jan 17.

The time: 4 p.m. CST

To register: click here.

What you will come with: Any 32-bar cut of music you would like to use in an audition.

Come and discover, redefine, or rehearse what the arts mean to you.

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